Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Giving priority to WHO instead of what and how...

From a book I just read: "We can be so preoccupied with the problems of humanity, of society, of individual need or the problems of the self, that we see the Gospel exlusively in terms of these issues. We adopt an anthropological starting point, and then seek to justify religion in terms of its pragmatic value or relevance for our contemporary self-understanding - offering programs, structures, organizations, machinery to deal with these problems and the countless calls for action. It is as though by doing something, becoming more efficient, we will be successful and find solutions. Bonhoeffer's plea to such a world is to give primacy to the question of WHO in theology. He points out that, throughout the Bible, the indicatives of grace always precede the imnperatives of law and obligation. It is only as we know WHO God is and WHAT he has done and is doing that we can find appropriate answers to the question of how, and then see the incredible relvance of the gospel to every area of life."

What do you think?


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